The Trustees of Re:Source, the charity behind the development of The Exchange, Blackburn are delighted to welcome Nudrat Alexxander Mughal to the team. Nudrat has worked in the arts, cultural and voluntary sector for over 9 years. She has a passion for working on ambitious projects that result in achieving positive impacts for communities. She has been involved in projects supporting asylum seeking and refugee communities, children and young people’s, domestic violence and abuse survivors, community health and wellbeing projects, education and women empowerment projects. She is currently the East Lancashire Coordinator for Near Neighbours. Nudrat said: “I am delighted to be a part of the Exchange board of trustees because of the ethos behind the project, which is to facilitate relationship building between different organisations from all sectors and strengthen connections of the local communities. We want to create a space for each member of this town where they feel welcome and at home as soon as they walk through the doors of The Exchange. There’s nothing better than supporting a project where the community is at the heart of the activities.”