Timeline of the Exchange

Captured Moments in Time

Salvation Army Service


Tomorrow is Armistice Sunday, and, in addition to special services at various places of worship, the annual service arranged by the British Legion will be held in King George’s Hall in the afternoon. The Mayor will preside and addresses will be given by the Rev. Canon John Sinker, Viear and Rutal Dean of Blackburn; the Rev. R. W.Waddelow (Montague-street Baptist Church) and the Rev. J. M. Miller, M.A. (St. George’s Presbyterian Church).

In the evening the Salvation Army will hold a specials Armistice Service in the Majestic Cinema, at which the Mayor will preside.

On Monday morning, the Ilth anniversary of the signing of the Armistice will be commemorated by a short service in the Garden of Remembrance attended by the Mayor accompanied by members of the Town Council and public bodies.

The two minutes silence will be observed at 11 a.m.

Photo of Salvation Army, Blackburn founded in 1925 by Robert Wade (Creative Commons Licence) taken in February 2011